How to get the Wordle list directly from the website ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to the official Wordle game at 2. Right-click on a blank area of the webpage and choose "View page source" This will show the HTML source code for the Wordle page. The game code itself is contained in one of the linked Javascript files. Search the HTML source code for ".js" to find all the Javascript links. You want the .js file whose name contains 'wordle.' Once you've found the proper .js link, click the link to open the Javascript code. 3. Scroll down the Javascript code until you see a very large array name full of 5-letter words beginning with ["aahed","aalii","aapas", ... 4. This list of words is actually two lists combined. As you scroll through the words, you will notice that they are in alphabetical order from a to z, and then all of a sudden the list changes to a seemingly random order of words starting with "cigar." The first part of the list (the part in alphabetical order) are all valid guesses that are not actual Wordle answers. For example, Wordle answers are never plurals so a word like "beans" is a valid guess but is not one of the possible Wordle solution words. Other words in this part of the list are uncommon or slang and therefore are valid guesses but not possible Wordle solution words. After the alphabetic portion of the list ends, the list continues with a seemingly random list of words starting with "cigar." This is the official list of Wordle solution words. There currently are 2,310 solution words, in spite of the 2,315 that Google search claims there are. If you compare online lists to the real list you will find that undesirable words such as "slave" and "wench" have been removed. 5. Copy the portion of the list starting with "cigar" through the end of the list. Read Lesson 16 on our website to hardcode a regular array containing these words. Then use a loop to iterate through the array of words and copy each of them into an ArrayList. As you copy each word, make it uppercase. Done!