1 1 'tis 2 36 a 3 8 able 4 2 again 5 1 ago 6 1 ahead 7 2 alabama 8 7 all 9 1 alleghenies 10 1 allow 11 1 almighty 12 1 alone 13 1 also 14 1 am 15 5 america 16 4 american 17 5 an 18 43 and 19 1 appalling 20 1 architects 21 8 are 22 1 areas 23 15 as 24 1 asking 25 4 at 26 1 autumn 27 1 awakening 28 8 back 29 1 bad 30 1 bank 31 1 bankrupt 32 1 basic 33 1 battered 34 32 be 35 1 beacon 36 1 beautiful 37 1 become 38 2 been 39 1 beginning 40 2 believe 41 1 believes 42 1 bitterness 43 3 black 44 1 blow 45 1 bodies 46 1 bound 47 2 boys 48 1 bright 49 3 brotherhood 50 2 brothers 51 2 brutality 52 1 business 53 6 but 54 7 by 55 1 california 56 2 came 57 4 can 58 5 cannot 59 1 capital 60 1 captivity 61 1 carolina 62 2 cash 63 1 catholics 64 1 cells 65 1 chains 66 1 changed 67 1 character 68 5 check 69 4 children 70 2 cities 71 1 citizens 72 1 citizenship 73 1 city 74 1 civil 75 2 color 76 1 colorado 77 9 come 78 1 community 79 1 concerned 80 1 condition 81 1 conduct 82 1 constitution 83 2 content 84 2 continue 85 1 cooling 86 1 corners 87 1 country 88 1 created 89 2 creative 90 1 creed 91 1 crippled 92 1 crooked 93 1 cup 94 1 curvaceous 95 1 dark 96 10 day 97 1 daybreak 98 1 declaration 99 1 decree 100 1 deeds 101 1 deeply 102 1 defaulted 103 1 degenerate 104 1 demand 105 1 democracy 106 1 desert 107 1 desolate 108 2 despair 109 1 determination 110 1 devotees 111 1 died 112 1 difficulties 113 1 dignity 114 1 discipline 115 1 discontent 116 1 discords 117 1 discrimination 118 1 distrust 119 1 doors 120 2 down 121 1 dramatize 122 11 dream 123 1 drinking 124 1 dripping 125 1 drug 126 1 emancipation 127 1 emerges 128 2 end 129 1 engage 130 1 engulfed 131 1 equal 132 1 equality 133 1 even 134 10 every 135 1 evidences 136 1 exalted 137 1 exile 138 1 face 139 1 fact 140 5 faith 141 1 fall 142 1 fatal 143 1 father 144 1 fatigue 145 1 fierce 146 1 finds 147 1 five 148 1 flames 149 1 flesh 150 6 for 151 2 force 152 1 forever 153 2 former 154 1 foundations 155 1 four 156 5 free 157 19 freedom 158 1 fresh 159 1 friends 160 18 from 161 1 frustrations 162 2 funds 163 1 gain 164 1 gaining 165 1 gentiles 166 3 georgia 167 1 ghetto 168 1 ghettos 169 2 girls 170 1 give 171 1 given 172 1 glory 173 7 go 174 1 god 175 3 god's 176 1 governor's 177 1 gradualism 178 1 granted 179 5 great 180 1 guaranteed 181 1 guilty 182 1 had 183 1 hallowed 184 1 hamlet 185 1 hampshire 186 2 hands 187 1 happiness 188 5 has 189 1 hatred 190 19 have 191 1 he 192 1 heat 193 1 heavy 194 1 heightening 195 1 heights 196 1 heir 197 1 her 198 3 here 199 1 hew 200 1 high 201 1 highways 202 2 hill 203 1 hills 204 1 hilltops 205 1 himself 206 2 his 207 1 hold 208 1 honoring 209 4 hope 210 1 horrors 211 4 hundred 212 14 i 213 2 if 214 18 in 215 1 independence 216 1 inextricably 217 3 injustice 218 1 insofar 219 1 instead 220 2 insufficient 221 1 interposition 222 5 into 223 1 invigorating 224 21 is 225 1 island 226 6 it 227 1 its 228 2 jail 229 1 jangling 230 1 jews 231 2 join 232 1 joyous 233 1 judged 234 7 justice 235 2 knowing 236 4 land 237 1 languishes 238 1 larger 239 3 last 240 4 later 241 1 lead 242 1 leads 243 1 left 244 1 legitimate 245 14 let 246 2 liberty 247 2 life 248 1 lift 249 1 light 250 2 like 251 1 lips 252 3 little 253 2 live 254 1 lives 255 1 lodging 256 1 lonely 257 5 long 258 1 lookout 259 1 lord 260 1 louisiana 261 1 low 262 1 luxury 263 3 made 264 1 magnificent 265 1 majestic 266 2 make 267 1 manacles 268 1 many 269 1 march 270 1 marked 271 1 marvelous 272 1 material 273 2 meaning 274 1 meeting 275 4 men 276 1 midst 277 2 mighty 278 1 militancy 279 1 millions 280 4 mississippi 281 1 mobility 282 1 molehill 283 2 moment 284 1 momentous 285 1 motels 286 4 mountain 287 1 mountains 288 2 mountainside 289 9 must 290 5 my 291 1 narrow 292 9 nation 293 1 nation's 294 1 needed 295 14 negro 296 2 negro's 297 1 neither 298 3 never 299 5 new 300 1 night 301 1 nineteen 302 2 no 303 1 nor 304 1 northern 305 14 not 306 3 note 307 1 nothing 308 6 now 309 1 nullification 310 1 oasis 311 1 obligation 312 1 obvious 313 1 ocean 314 97 of 315 2 off 316 1 old 317 5 on 318 12 one 319 1 only 320 1 open 321 2 opportunity 322 1 oppression 323 1 or 324 14 our 325 3 out 326 1 overlook 327 1 own 328 1 owners 329 1 palace 330 1 pass 331 1 path 332 1 peaks 333 1 pennsylvania 334 3 people 335 1 persecution 336 2 physical 337 1 pilgrims 338 1 place 339 2 places 340 1 plain 341 1 plane 342 1 pledge 343 2 police 344 1 poverty 345 1 pray 346 1 presence 347 1 presently 348 1 pride 349 1 process 350 1 proclamation 351 1 prodigious 352 1 promise 353 1 promises 354 2 promissory 355 1 prosperity 356 1 protest 357 1 protestants 358 1 pursuit 359 1 quest 360 1 quicksands 361 2 racial 362 1 real 363 1 realize 364 1 red 365 1 redemptive 366 2 refuse 367 1 remind 368 1 republic 369 1 rest 370 1 return 371 1 returns 372 1 revealed 373 1 revolt 374 1 riches 375 1 righteousness 376 1 rightful 377 3 rights 378 12 ring 379 3 rise 380 1 rock 381 1 rockies 382 1 rolls 383 1 rooted 384 1 rough 385 1 rude 386 1 sacred 387 1 sadly 388 7 satisfied 389 1 satisfy 390 2 say 391 1 score 392 1 seared 393 1 security 394 1 see 395 1 seek 396 2 segregation 397 1 self-evident 398 1 sense 399 1 shadow 400 1 shake 401 5 shall 402 1 signed 403 1 signing 404 3 sing 405 1 sisters 406 1 sit 407 2 situation 408 1 sixty-three 409 1 skin 410 1 slave 411 2 slaves 412 1 slums 413 1 smaller 414 1 snowcapped 415 3 so 416 1 society 417 1 solid 418 3 some 419 1 somehow 420 1 something 421 2 sons 422 1 soul 423 2 south 424 1 speed 425 1 spiritual 426 1 spite 427 1 spot 428 1 staggered 429 3 stand 430 4 state 431 1 steam 432 4 still 433 2 stone 434 1 storms 435 1 straight 436 1 stream 437 2 struggle 438 2 suffering 439 1 summer 440 1 sunlit 441 1 sweet 442 2 sweltering 443 1 symbolic 444 1 symphony 445 1 table 446 1 take 447 1 tennessee 448 1 thank 449 24 that 450 103 the 451 2 thee 452 4 their 453 5 there 454 1 these 455 2 they 456 1 thirst 457 18 this 458 2 those 459 1 threshold 460 5 time 461 59 to 462 6 today 463 8 together 464 1 tragic 465 1 tranquilizing 466 1 tranquillity 467 1 transform 468 2 transformed 469 1 travel 470 1 trials 471 1 tribulations 472 2 true 473 1 truths 474 1 turn 475 1 unalienable 476 1 underestimate 477 1 unearned 478 1 unmindful 479 1 unspeakable 480 4 until 481 3 up 482 1 upon 483 2 urgency 484 4 us 485 1 usual 486 3 valley 487 1 vast 488 1 vaults 489 1 veterans 490 1 victim 491 1 village 492 1 violence 493 2 vote 494 3 walk 495 1 wallow 496 1 warm 497 2 was 498 1 waters 499 32 we 500 1 were 501 6 when 502 4 where 503 6 which 504 1 whirlwinds 505 4 white 506 4 who 507 2 whose 508 26 will 509 1 winds 510 11 with 511 1 withering 512 3 words 513 2 work 514 2 would 515 1 wrongful 516 1 wrote 517 5 years 518 2 york 519 6 you 520 2 your Number of unique words used = 520 Total # of words = 1573