Class DrawingTool

  extended by gpdraw.DrawingTool

public class DrawingTool
extends java.lang.Object

DrawingTool is a graphics environment that provides methods for a programmer to draw pictures by moving an object (called a DrawingTool) around on the screen The center of the graphics window is at location 0,0. Positive X is to the right; positive Y is up. Headings (angles) are measured in degrees counterclockwise from the positive X axis.

Example: ======= DrawingTool pencil; pencil = new DrawingTool(); // draw a square pencil.forward(75); pencil.turnLeft(90); pencil.forward(75); pencil.turnLeft(90); pencil.forward(75); pencil.turnLeft(90); pencil.forward(75);

Field Summary
protected  java.awt.Color color
protected  double direction
protected  boolean isDown
protected  SketchPadPanel pad
protected  int width
protected  double xPos
protected  double yPos
Constructor Summary
DrawingTool(long delay)
DrawingTool(SketchPad win)
Method Summary
 void backward(double distance)
          This DrawingTool object is moved backward from current direction by distance pixels from the old (previous) location.
 void down()
          This object is set to drawing mode.
 void drawCircle(double radius)
          If the object is in drawing mode, Draws a circle of radius radius around the current location using the current width and color.
protected  void drawLine(double x, double y)
 void drawOval(double boundingBoxWidth, double boundingBoxHeight)
          Draws the outline of an oval.
 void drawRect(double recWidth, double recHeight)
          Draws the outline of the specified rectangle.
 void drawString(java.lang.String text)
          Draw the string text at the current location using the current color.
 void fillCircle(double radius)
          If the object is in drawing mode, Draws and fills a circle of radius radius around the current location using the current pen width and color.
 void fillOval(double boundingBoxWidth, double boundingBoxHeight)
          Fills the specified oval.
 void fillRect(double recWidth, double recHeight)
          Fills the specified rectangle.
 void forward(double distance)
          This DrawingTool object is moved forward from current direction by distance pixels from the old (previous) location.
 java.awt.Color getColor()
          Gets the color of the DrawingTool
 double getDirection()
          Gets the direction of this DrawingTool.
 SketchPadPanel getPadPanel()
          Returns the SketchPadPanel object for this DrawingTool.
 java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double getPosition()
          Gets the x and y coordinates of the current postion of this DrawingTool.
 int getWidth()
          Get the drawing width of the DrawingTool
 double getXPos()
          Gets the x coordinate of the current postion of this DrawingTool.
 double getYPos()
          Gets the y coordinate of the current postion of this DrawingTool.
 void home()
          The location of the DrawingTool object is set to the center of the SketchPad window with the drawing direction of the object set to up.
protected  void initialize(SketchPadPanel spadPanel)
          Initializes the state of this DrawingTool.
 boolean isDown()
          Get the drawing width of the DrawingTool
 void move(double distance)
          This DrawingTool object is moved in the current direction by distance pixels from the old (previous) location.
 void move(double x, double y)
          This DrawingTool object is moved from the current position to the position specified by the coordinates x and y.
 void setColor(java.awt.Color c)
          The color of the DrawingTool object is set to c.
 void setDirection(double deg)
          Sets the direction to d degrees.
 void setWidth(int width)
          Sets the width of the DrawingTool object is to width pixels.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this object.
 void turn(double degrees)
          Changes the current direction counterclockwise by degrees degrees from the current direction
protected  void turn(double x, double y)
 void turnLeft()
          Changes the current direction counterclockwise by 90 degrees from the current direction
 void turnLeft(double degrees)
          Changes the current direction counterclockwise by degrees degrees from the current direction
 void turnRight()
          Changes the current direction clockwise by 90 degrees from the current direction
 void turnRight(double degrees)
          Changes the current direction clockwise by degrees degrees from the current direction
 void up()
          This object is set to moving mode.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected double xPos


protected double yPos


protected double direction


protected int width


protected boolean isDown


protected java.awt.Color color


protected SketchPadPanel pad
Constructor Detail


public DrawingTool()
Constructor. A new DrawingTool is created and placed in the center (0, 0) of a SketchPad window that is 250 pixels wide and 250 pixels high. This object is set to drawing mode. The direction for this object is up (90º). The DrawingTool color is set to black. The DrawingTool width is 1.


public DrawingTool(long delay)
Constructor. A new DrawingTool is created and placed in the center (0, 0) of a SketchPad window that is 250 pixels wide and 250 pixels high. This object is set to drawing mode. The direction for this object is up (90º). The DrawingTool color is set to black. The DrawingTool width is 1.The drawing speed (in milliseconds) is determined by the delay parameter

delay - delay (ms) between DrawingTool drawing movements


public DrawingTool(SketchPad win)
Constructor. A new DrawingTool is created and placed in the center (0, 0) of the SketchPad window win. This object is set to drawing mode. The direction for this object is up (90º). The DrawingTool color is set to black. The DrawingTool width is 1.

Method Detail


protected void initialize(SketchPadPanel spadPanel)
Initializes the state of this DrawingTool.

spadPanel - SketchPadPanel that contains this DrawingTool


public java.awt.Color getColor()
Gets the color of the DrawingTool

current color of this DrawingTool


public int getWidth()
Get the drawing width of the DrawingTool

current width of the DrawingTool


public boolean isDown()
Get the drawing width of the DrawingTool

true if this DrawingTool is in drawing mode (down); false otherwise


public double getXPos()
Gets the x coordinate of the current postion of this DrawingTool.

x coordinate of this DrawingTool


public double getYPos()
Gets the y coordinate of the current postion of this DrawingTool.

y coordinate of this DrawingTool


public java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double getPosition()
Gets the x and y coordinates of the current postion of this DrawingTool.

x and y coordinates of the current postion of this DrawingTool as a Point2D.Double.


public double getDirection()
Gets the direction of this DrawingTool.

direction of this DrawingTool in degrees


public SketchPadPanel getPadPanel()
Returns the SketchPadPanel object for this DrawingTool.

Returns the SketchPadPanel property


public void down()
This object is set to drawing mode.


public void home()
The location of the DrawingTool object is set to the center of the SketchPad window with the drawing direction of the object set to up.


public void move(double distance)
This DrawingTool object is moved in the current direction by distance pixels from the old (previous) location. If this object is in drawing mode, a line segment is drawn across the distance path just traversed.

distance - pixels to move from the current location


public void move(double x,
                 double y)
This DrawingTool object is moved from the current position to the position specified by the coordinates x and y. If this object is in drawing mode, a line segment is drawn from the old (previous) position to the absolute position specified by x and y. The direction is changed to the heading given by the move from the previous postion to the current position.

x - x coordinate of destination
y - y coordinate of destination


public void forward(double distance)
This DrawingTool object is moved forward from current direction by distance pixels from the old (previous) location. If this object is in drawing mode, a line segment is drawn across the distance path just traversed. The direction is unchanged. A delay occurs following this method’s execution.

distance - pixels to move forwards from the current location


public void backward(double distance)
This DrawingTool object is moved backward from current direction by distance pixels from the old (previous) location. If this object is in drawing mode, a line segment is drawn across the distance path just traversed. The direction is unchanged. A delay occurs following this method’s execution.

distance - pixels to move backwards from the current location


public void setColor(java.awt.Color c)
The color of the DrawingTool object is set to c.

c - a valid Color object


public void setWidth(int width)
Sets the width of the DrawingTool object is to width pixels.

width - width in pixels of the DrawingTool object
java.lang.RuntimeException - if width is < 1


public void setDirection(double deg)
Sets the direction to d degrees. The orientation is deg degrees counterclockwise from the positive x-axis

deg - degrees counterclockwise from the positive x-axis


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string representation of this object. The format is: "DrawingTool["+ "Position:" + xPos + "," + yPos + " " + "Color:" + color + " " + "Width:" + width + " " + "Is down:" + isDown + " " + "Direction:" + direction + ']'.

toString in class java.lang.Object
a string representation of this object


public void turn(double degrees)
Changes the current direction counterclockwise by degrees degrees from the current direction

degrees - degrees counterclockwise from the current direction


public void turnLeft(double degrees)
Changes the current direction counterclockwise by degrees degrees from the current direction

degrees - degrees counterclockwise from the current direction


public void turnLeft()
Changes the current direction counterclockwise by 90 degrees from the current direction

degrees - degrees counterclockwise from the current direction


public void turnRight(double degrees)
Changes the current direction clockwise by degrees degrees from the current direction

degrees - degrees clockwise from the current direction


public void turnRight()
Changes the current direction clockwise by 90 degrees from the current direction

degrees - degrees clockwise from the current direction


public void up()
This object is set to moving mode.


public void drawString(java.lang.String text)
Draw the string text at the current location using the current color.

text - string to be drawn


public void drawCircle(double radius)
If the object is in drawing mode, Draws a circle of radius radius around the current location using the current width and color.

radius - radius of circle to be drawn


public void fillCircle(double radius)
If the object is in drawing mode, Draws and fills a circle of radius radius around the current location using the current pen width and color.

radius - radius of the filled circle to be drawn


public void drawRect(double recWidth,
                     double recHeight)
Draws the outline of the specified rectangle. The rectangle is centered at the current drawing position. The left and right edges of the rectangle are at x - recWidth/2 and x + recWidth/2. The top and bottom edges are at y - recHeight/2 and y + recHeight/2. The rectangle is drawn using the DrawingTool's current color.

recWidth - width of the rectangle to be drawn
recHeight - height of the rectangle to be drawn


public void fillRect(double recWidth,
                     double recHeight)
Fills the specified rectangle. The rectangle is centered at the current drawing position. The left and right edges of the rectangle are at x - recWidth/2 and x + recWidth/2. The top and bottom edges are at y - recHeight/2 and y + recHeight/2. The rectangle is filled using the DrawingTool's current color.

recWidth - width of the rectangle to be filled
recHeight - height of the rectangle to be filled


public void drawOval(double boundingBoxWidth,
                     double boundingBoxHeight)
Draws the outline of an oval. The result is a circle or ellipse that is centered around the current drawing position and fits in a rectangle specified by the width, and height arguments. The left and right edges of the bounding rectangle are at x - recWidth/2 and x + recWidth/2. The top and bottom edges are at y - recHeight/2 and y + recHeight/2. The oval is drawn using the DrawingTool's current color.

boundingBoxWidth - width of the oval to be drawn
boundingBoxHeight - height of the oval to be drawn


public void fillOval(double boundingBoxWidth,
                     double boundingBoxHeight)
Fills the specified oval. The result is a filled circle or ellipse that is centered around the current drawing position and fits in a rectangle specified by the width, and height arguments. The left and right edges of the bounding rectangle are at x - recWidth/2 and x + recWidth/2. The top and bottom edges are at y - recHeight/2 and y + recHeight/2. The oval is drawn using the DrawingTool's current color.

boundingBoxWidth - width of the oval to be filled
boundingBoxHeight - height of the oval to be filled


protected void drawLine(double x,
                        double y)


protected void turn(double x,
                    double y)