Comparing Strings

Comparison Method Sample Syntax
boolean equals(String other) String aName = "Mat";
String anotherName = "Mat";
if (aName.equals(anotherName))
System.out.println("the same");
boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String other) String aName = "Mat";
if (aName.equalsIgnoreCase("MAT"))
System.out.println("the same");
int compareTo(String other) String aName = "Mat";
n = aName.compareTo("Rob"); // n < 0
n = aName.compareTo("Mat"); // n == 0
n = aName.compareTo("Amy"); // n > 0

The equals() method evaluates the contents of two String objects to determine if they are equivalent. The method returns true if the objects have identical contents. For example, the code below shows two String objects and several comparisons. Each of the comparisons evaluates to true; each comparison results in printing the line "Name's the same".

String aName = "Mat";
String anotherName = new String("Mat");

if (aName.equals(anotherName))
   System.out.println("Name's the same");

if (anotherName.equals(aName))
   System.out.println("Name's the same");

if (aName.equals("Mat"))
   System.out.println("Name's the same");

Each String shown above, aName and anotherName, is an object of type String, so each String has access to the equals() method. The aName object can call equals() with aName.equals(anotherName), or the anotherName object can call equals() with anotherName.equals(aName). The equals() method can take either a variable String object or a literal String as its argument.

In all three examples above, the boolean expression evaluates to true.

The == operator can create some confusion when comparing objects. The == operator will check the reference value, or address, of where the object is being stored. It will not compare the data members of the objects. Because Strings are objects and not primitive data types, Strings cannot be compared with the == operator. However, due to the shortcuts that make String act in a similar way to primitive types, two Strings created without the new operator but with the same String literal will actually point to the same address in memory. Observe the following code segment and its output:

String aGreeting1 = new String("Hello");
String anotherGreeting1 = new String("Hello");

if (aGreeting1 == anotherGreeting1)
   System.out.println("This better not work!");
   System.out.println("This prints since each object " +
      "reference is different.");

String aGreeting2 = "Hello";
String anotherGreeting2 = "Hello";

if (aGreeting2 == anotherGreeting2)
   System.out.println("This prints since both " +
      "object references are the same!");
   System.out.println("This does not print.");

Run Output:

This prints since each object reference is different.
This prints since both object references are the same!

The objects aGreeting1 and anotherGreeting1 are each instantiated using the new command, which assigns a different reference to each object. The == operator compares the reference to each object, not their contents. Therefore, the comparison (aGreeting1 == anotherGreeting1) returns false since the references are different.

The objects aGreeting2 and anotherGreeting2 are String literals (created without the new command - i.e. using the short-cut instantiation process unique to Strings). In this case, Java recognizes that the contents of the objects are the same, and it creates only one instance, with aGreeting2 and anotherGreeting2 each referencing that instance. Since their references are the same, (aGreeting2 == anotherGreeting2) returns true.

When comparing objects to see if they are equal, always use the equals method. It would be a rare occasion to care if they are occupying the same memory location. Remember that a String is an object!

The equalsIgnoreCase() method is very similar to the equals() method. As its name implies, it ignores case when determining if two Strings are equivalent. This method is very useful when users type responses to prompts in your program. The equalsIgnoreCase() method allows you to test entered data without regard to capitalization.

The compareTo() method compares the calling String object and the String argument to see which comes first in the lexicographic ordering. Lexicographic ordering is the same as alphabetical ordering when both strings are either all uppercase or all lowercase. If the calling string is first lexicographically, it returns a negative value. If the two strings are equal, it returns zero. If the argument string comes first lexicographically, it returns a positive number.

String bob = Bob;
String bob2 = bob;
String steve = Steve;

The output for this block of code would be:


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