
Not surprisingly, binary works the same way as octal and hexadecimal. Binary is base 2, so the only digits that are used are 0 and 1, and the place values are all powers of 2. A binary digit is called a bit. The place values for binary are shown in the table below.

23 22 21 20 2-1 2-2
8 4 2 1 1/2 1/4

Let's convert two decimal numbers into the binary system: 13 and 482.

The decimal number 13 -> 11012 (123 + 122 + 021 +120)

The decimal number 482 -> 1111000102

Calculations for converting 482: Find the largest power of two that divides into 482. So 28, or 256. 482/256 = 1 , subtract to get the leftover, 226. Now check to see if 27, 128 goes into 226. Notice we only have the choice of 1 or 0 so this will be simple to calculate. 226 - 128 -> 98 (another 1)

98 - 64 -> 34 (another 1)
34 - 32 -> 2 (another 1)
cant subtract 16 (so a 0 goes here)
cant subtract 8 (another 0)
cant subtract 4 (another 0)
2 - 2 -> 0 (another 1)
cant subtract 1 (another 0)

Answer: 1111000102

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