Lab 7.1 MadLibs


You have read Lesson 7 and watch the printf video and Scanner video.


Mad Libs is a word game where the game master asks players to think of nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. that will be inserted blindly into a story. The resulting story is often humorous, awkward, nonsensical, and silly.

Lab Instructions

Write a MadLibs story of your own creation that meets the following criteria:

  • Prompts users to enter various information using the Scanner API
    • At least 2 integers (use nextInt())
    • At least 2 doubles (use nextDouble())
    • At least 6 Strings (use next() or nextLine())
  • Displays the resulting story using a SINGLE printf statement.
    • Use \n to insert line breaks
    • A long String can be connected with +. For Example: "This is a single String that " + " is spread out over " + " several lines.";

Example Run

Do not copy the example. Make your own story and inputs.

Welcome to Mad Libs!

Please enter an emotion: embarrassed
Please enter an adjective: silly
Please enter a body part: knee
Please enter an integer: 2
Please enter an adjective: fuzzy
Please enter an adverb: happily
Please enter a body part: nose
Please enter a double: 3.14159
Please enter a verb ending in "ing": shouting
Please enter a sport: baseball
Please enter an emotion: scared
Please enter an adjective: flexible
Please enter a verb ending in "ing": running
Please enter an integer: 223
Please enter an integer: 51
Please enter a food or drink: boba
Please enter a double: 0.0001
Please enter a plural food: crackers
Please enter a profession: electrician

Thanks!  Here's your Mad Lib Story:

Pandemic by Mr. Ferrante

In these times, it is important to stay embarrassed and to keep a silly knee. Keep in touch with your family and all 2 of your friends. Although life may no longer be fuzzy, happily take life into your own nose by taking action. First, get at least 3.14159 minutes of exercise each day by shouting or by playing baseball by yourself. Second, find ways to stay scared throughout the day by taking frequent breaks from screens, getting something flexible to eat, and by running or meditating. Finally, get a good night's rest and maintain a healthy diet. Doctors recommend 223 hours of sleep and drinking 51 cups of boba per day to stay hydrated. And don't forget the old adage: "0.0001 crackers a day keeps the electrician away!"

.nextLine() Warning

When using Scanner to acquire user input, there's something to be aware of.

Using .nextLine() after using .next() or .nextInt() or .nextDouble(), etc. will result in a blank return value

The reason for this is because .next(), .nextInt(), and .nextDouble() do not include the \n when you press Enter. However, .nextLine() works differently. It reads everything up to and including \n Enter.

If you use .nextInt() to read a number from the user and then call .nextLine(), you will get an empty String because that's what was left between the number that was entered and the end of the line.

Therefore, if you want to use .nextLine() after a call to .next() or .nextInt() or .nextDouble() you need to clear the blank input by calling .nextLine() once to clear the blank input and then a second time to read the line you wanted.

To master how Scanner works, read the Scanner Walkthrough Example

Lab Submission

  • You may do all of your work in the main method.
  • Name your class in the format PX_LastName_FirstName_MadLibs

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Last modified: January 14, 2024

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