Lab 10.1 Iterative Reverse and Palindrome


You will create a class that will perform two different functions on Strings that are sent to it. All of the methods you create will be static, and the class should work in a similar manner to the Math class. Any helper methods that you write should be private because they are only used internally within the class.

Problem 1 iterativeStringReverse

Create an iterative method named iterativeStringReverse that receives a String and returns a String that is the exact reversal of the characters in the first String. An iterative solution is one that uses loops.

Use these test cases for your run outputs:

    empty string

Problem 2 iterativeIsPalindrome

Create a method named iterativeIsPalindrome that receives a String and returns a boolean value of true if the String is a Palindrome and false if it is not. A word is a palindrome if it reads the same forwards and backwards. For example, the word level is a palindrome.

You should solve Problem 2 independently of Problem 1. Therefore, you cannot just return whether inputString.equals(recursiveStringReverse(inputString)); Instead, solve this isPalindrome problem without having to reverse the String. The point is to practice iteration.

The idea of a palindrome can be extended to phrases or sentences if we ignore details like punctuation. Here are two familiar examples:

    Madam, I'm Adam  
    A man, a plan, a canal: Panama

We can recognize these more elaborate examples as palindromes by considering the text that is obtained by removing all spaces and punctuation marks and converting all letters to their lower-case form.

    Madam, I'm Adam ==> madamimadam  
    A man, a plan, a canal: Panama ==> amanaplanacanalpanama

If the "word" obtained from a phrase in this manner is a palindrome, then the phrase is a palindrome. Your method should ignore the case of the letters. A palindrome is determined by considering only alphabetic characters (a - z, A - Z) and numbers (0 - 9) as valid text. You are not allowed to use replaceAll method and regular expressions. You may find the String and Character class API useful.

Note: The World’s Longest Palindrome, created at 8:02 PM on the 20th of February (a palindromic time/date - 20:02 02/20 2002) is reported at http://www.norvig.com/palindrome.html

Use these test cases as inputs for your run outputs:

    Lewd did I live, & evil I did dwel.  
    I like Java  
    Straw? No, too stupid a fad, I put soot on warts.  
    ***Nurse!*** I spy gypsies....run!!!!!  
    empty string

Put your code into a single class (each problem being its own method) and submit using the form below.

Your file must include your name and period, as always. For example, P3_Wang_Michael_IterativeReverseAndPalindrome.java

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Last modified: October 22, 2023

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