Exceptions and File I/O

Lesson Overview: Java provides a structured approach for dealing with errors that can occur while a program is running. This approach is referred to as “exception-handling.” The word “exception” is meant to be more general than “error.” Exception-handling is used to keep a program running even though an error is encountered that would normally stop the program. This lesson will explore file input and output (I/O) as an example of how exceptions are used.

Lesson Vocab

A keyword defining a catch block, which "catches" an exception as its parameter. Must be paired with a try block.


Describes when a program does not do what it is intended to. Does not necessarily mean the program failed syntax-wise.


Represents a problem that the compiler was unable to detect before the execution of the program (runtime error). Exceptions are stored as Exception Objects in Java, which contain information about the error.


A statement of everything that must be true when a method is called in order for the method to work properly.


A statement of everything that is true when a method completes its job.


A keyword defining a try block, which attempts to execute a piece of code that may throw an Exception. Must be paired with a catch block.