Lab 2.2 FinalHouse


For this lab, you will make any final additions/improvements and have at least three of your parts as separate, reusable classes.

  1. At least three of your houseparts must be written using separate classes.
  2. Each class should have its own attributes
  3. Each class should have at least two constructors. One constructor accepts only a SketchPad and location x, y where to draw this object. The other constructor accepts additional parameters to customize the look, size, shape, etc. (Note: Don't make your parameter list too long. Leave some things for setter methods)
  4. Each class should include setter methods to set attributes not handled by the constructors
  5. Add Javadoc comments to your house part classes
    • a javadoc description for the class including a description of what it draws, how it can be customized, example usage and an @author and @version
    • a javadoc for each constructor, including @param tags for each parameter
    • a javadoc for each public method, including @param tags for each parameter and an @return if the method returns a something
  6. Update your main method to create and use your house part objects.

    Name your Driver: PX_LastName_FirstName_FinalHouse.java

  7. Make sure that each class is named using the format PX_LastName_FirstName_PartName.java.

    Examples: P2_Wang_Michael_Window.java, P2_Wang_Michael_Clouds.java

  8. In your Driver's main method, you can still have parts of the picture that are drawn directly as they were before, however, your customizable parts should be created by making instances of those separate classes and calling draw() on them.

  9. At the top of each class, include a multi-line comment stating:

    Name:       (your name here)
    Date:       (submission date)
    Period:     (your period)

    Is this lab fully working?  (Yes/No)
    If not, explain:
    If resubmitting, explain:

Upload and File Selection Tips

Before submitting, you should change your computer's folder settings to display file extensions so you can see the full file names (ex: Door.java and Door.class). Here are directions for MacOS and Windows. Watch this video to see all these instructions demonstrated.

Upload all of your .java files together at once by multiple-selecting them when pressing the Upload Files button below. On Windows, use Ctrl + click to select multiple files. On MacOS, use Command + click to select multiple files.

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