Layout Panes


Layout Panes are containers that automatically arrange the Controls (and any Nodes) you add to them using a set of rules. Each Layout Pane has its own rules.

Tutorial and tips

Oracle tutorial:

Usage Tips:

  • Choose an overall Layout Pane to be your root Node
  • Add Layout Panes within Layout Panes to get the layout you want
  • Read Tips for Sizing and Aligning for details

List of Layout Panes

This list is a quick summary of the built-in JavaFX Layout Panes

Layout Pane Description
BorderPane Has top, bottom, left, right, and center regions. Each region can contain only one Node, but it can be another Layout Pane in which you put more content. You cannot use .getChildren().add(content) with this container. See the tutorial above for the correct way to add content.
HBox Contents are arranged horizontally
VBox Contents are arranged vertically
StackPane Contents are centered and stacked on top of each other
GridPane Contents are placed in a n x m grid, where rows/cols can be different sizes and cells can span multiple rows/cols
FlowPane Contents wrap just like text wrapping
TilePane Contents are placed in a n x m grid, where each cell is the same size
AnchorPane Contents are anchored to specific regions of the AnchorPane

Common Methods

Useful methods common to all Layout Panes:

Methods Description
setAlignment() Sets the alignment of Nodes within this Layout Pane
setPadding() Puts padding between the Border and internal contents
setBorder() Sets the Border style
setPreferredWidth() setPreferredHeight() Tells your parent Node your preferred size.
Ignored if parent Node has layout rules that override your request.
setMinWidth(), setMaxWidth() setMinHeight(), setMaxWidth() Prevents this Pane from being bigger/smaller than this when resized.
Ignored if parent Node has layout rules that override your request.
setLayoutX(), setLayoutY() Hardcodes the position of a layout pane, but only works if your parent doesn't have layout rules (eg: Group)

Specific Layout Methods

Read the API for additional methods for specific Layout Panes.

For example, HBox has these specific methods:

Methods Description
setSpacing() Puts spacing between the internal contents
setHgrow() Used to decide how each internal item takes up extra space. For example, if you had two Buttons in an HBox, you could tell one button to always grow to fit the empty space and tell the other button to never grow.

Video Demo

Watch this demo to see how to use HGrow to control widths in an HBox as the scene is resized.

Dark Mode
