Lab 19.1 Store


We will use these classes to load and manipulate data stored in a text file named file50.txt. For the purpose of turning in this lab you should put all three classes into StoreDriver.java - named with your name and period. Ex: P3_Wang_Michael_StoreDriver.java

public class StoreDriver {  
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Store s = new Store("file50.txt");

class Item implements Comparable<Item> {
    private int myId;
    private int myInv;

    *  Constructor for the Item object
    * @param  id   id value
    * @param  inv  inventory value
    public Item(int id, int inv){
        myId = id;
        myInv = inv;

    *  Gets the id attribute of the Item object
    * @return    The id value
    public int getId(){
        // Your code here

    *  Gets the inv attribute of the Item object
    * @return    The inv value
    public int getInv(){
        // Your code here

    *  Compares this item to another item based on id number. Returns the
    *  difference between this item's id and the other item's id. A
    *  difference of zero means the items' ids are equal in value.
    * @param  other  Item object to compare to
    * @return        positive int if myId > other.myId
    *                0 if myId == other.myId
    *                negative int if myId < other.myId
    public int compareTo(Item other){
        // Your code here

    *  Compares the Item to the specified object
    * @param  otherObject  Item object to compare to
    * @return              true if equal, false otherwise
    public boolean equals(Item other){
        // Your code here

    *  Overrides the default toString() of Object.
    *  Returns a String representation of this object. It's up to you
    *  exactly what this looks like.
    public String toString(){
        // Your code here

class Store {

    private ArrayList <Item> myStore = new ArrayList <Item>();

    *  Creates a Store object from data stored in the given file name
    *  @param  fName  name of the file containing id/inv pairs of data
    public Store(String fName){

    *  Reads a file containing id/inv data pairs one pair per line. 
    *  @param  inFileName  name of file containing id/inv pairs of data
    private void loadFile(String inFileName){
        // Your code here

    *  Prints the store contents in the format shown below
    *  Line #       Id          Inv
    *  1            184         14
    *  2            196         60
    public void displayStore(){
        // Your code here

    *  Sorts the store ArrayList using recursive mergesort
    public void sort(){
        // Make a single call to mergeSort to get sorting going
        // (If your mergeSort is broken, then use a quadratic sort)

    private void merge(ArrayList <Item> a, int first, int mid, int last){
        // Your code here

    *  Recursive mergesort of an ArrayList of Items
    * @param  a      reference to an ArrayList of Items to be sorted
    * @param  first  starting index of range of values to be sorted
    * @param  last   ending index of range of values to be sorted
    public void mergeSort(ArrayList <Item> a, int first, int last){
        // Your code here

The file, file50.txt, contains a list of id/inventory integer pairs - one pair per line. The idea behind the data type Item is to simulate an item in a store that is being tracked with a bar code id number (or value) for identification purposes. Each item in the store is tracked with both an id value and an inventory amount. Each id value in file50.txt is unique. So file50.txt looks like this:

3679 87  
196 60  
17914 12  
18618 64  
2370 65  
... ...  
etc. (for 45 more lines)

By default, Eclipse looks for input files in your project's root folder. Please do NOT hardcode a specific path unique to your computer. You should use File f = new File("file50.txt"); to load the file from your project's root folder. If for some reason, you cannot figure out where Eclipse expects to find default input files, create a new file named "test.txt" using FileWriter and see where it gets written to. It should end up in your project's root folder, but if your project structure is different, it could end up in a subfolder. You need to put "file50.txt" in the same folder as your test file was written to.


  1. Complete the Store class capable of doing each of the following:

    • load the data file, file50.txt by default, as a collection of Item types
    • sort the data, in increasing order of id number
    • print the data, in order
  2. Put all of your classes into one file. Refer to Lab 5.2 Illusions if needed.

  3. The printed output should add a blank line after every 10 items for better readability. Include a line number in the output. For example:

Line #    Id        Inv        
1         184       14         
2         196       60         
3         206       31         
4         584       85         
5         768       85         
6         2370      65         
7         3433      5          
8         3679      87         
9         4329      64         
10        5529      11         

11        6265      58         
12        6835      94         
13        6992      76         
14        7282      73         
15        8303      90         
16        9267      68         
17        9351      8          
18        10629     19         
19        11485     39         
20        11549     88         

21        11584     32         
22        12024     5          
23        12328     63         
24        12705     14         
25        12917     63         
26        13066     8          
27        13520     38         
28        14088     92         
29        14092     48         
30        14151     82         

31        14896     81         
32        15006     53         
33        15141     87         
34        15320     82         
35        15559     33         
36        15814     60         
37        15917     51         
38        17753     70         
39        17911     96         
40        17914     12         

41        18061     3          
42        18181     60         
43        18410     56         
44        18465     27         
45        18524     34         
46        18618     64         
47        18871     69         
48        18995     56         
49        19623     88         
50        19967     45         
  1. You will need to complete the getId(), getInv(), compareTo(), equals() and toString() methods for the Item class.

  2. You will need to complete the Store() constructor, displayStore(), loadFile(), mergeSort() and toString() methods for the Store class.

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