
The PathTransition class is the most powerful movement transition and it has two key methods:

Method Description
setPath(Shape) Sets the path to follow
setOrientation(param) Determines how the the Node rotates as it follows its path
The parameter is one of two types:
- OrientationType.NONE (default) The Node will not change its orientation as it slides along its path.
- OrientationType.ORTHOGONAL_TO_TANGENT The Node will rotate as it slides along its path to keep it orthogonal to the tangent line of its path. This is the same way that a rollercoaster rotates to follow the shape of its track.


The code below moves a Node along a Circle.

// Create a Node. Could be any kind.
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(50, 200, 100, 50);

// Create a Circle to use as our path Shape
Circle circle = new Circle(300, 200, 100, Color.LIGHTBLUE);

// Create the Transition
PathTransition pt = new PathTransition();

Notes - The path could be any Shape. It happens to be a Circle here. - The circle can be visible or hidden based on whether you add it to the root node's child list. - Remember to call pt.play() after showing the stage.

Here's the same code but the Node rotates to stay orthogonal to its path.

// Create a Node. Could be any kind.
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(50, 200, 100, 50);

// Create a Circle to use as our path Shape
Circle circle = new Circle(300, 200, 100, Color.LIGHTBLUE);

// Create the Transition
PathTransition pt = new PathTransition();

Notes - Try changing the path to a Rectangle or a Polygon.

Dark Mode
