Libraries and APIs

Lesson Overview: Now that you have learned how to design your own classes, we will explore how to take advantage of the huge number of pre-made classes provided with Java. We will also learn how to read the APIs that come with those classes so that you will be able to take any class that comes with an API and teach yourself how to use that class. In this chapter, we will start with APIs, explore a few useful classes and their APIs, and then finish by learning how to write our own APIs so that other people can use our classes.

Lesson Vocab

Short for Application Programming Interface, it details exactly hwo to use certain provided classes.


A group of similar types of classes, interfaces and sub-packages "packaged" together.


A keyword that specifies that the following method or attribute belongs to the class itself-that is, it is the same across all Objects made from that class.


An attribute declared with this keyword means that it is guaranteed to never change during runtime. Identifiers for final variables are usually all capital letters.


Refers to special block-comments you can write to create APIs via the Javadoc Tool.