Lab 18.3 Final Sorting Investigation


Use the exact same document you started during the Sorting Investigation Draft.

Don't work from a copy from the Schoology Draft assignment. That's just a copy of the actual draft document that you own. Find your original draft document on your Google Drive and continue all your work in that document.


  • Make sure your Google Doc has Editing permissions for "anyone with the link." This is for your teacher and TAs.

You will lose two points if you do not share the doc with Edit permissions with your teacher and they have to spend time requesting Edit permissions.

  • Paste the link to your Google Doc in the Submission Comments section on this submission form (which becomes visible after you enter files to submit)
  • Refactor Sorts.java and SortStep.java with your name and make sure they compile/run. Example: P1_Wang_Michael_Sorts.java and P1_Wang_Michael_SortStep.java
  • Upload your code to this submission form in one of two ways:
    • Either upload your new P1_LastName_FirstName_Sorts.java and P1_LastName_FirstName_SortStep.java below
    • Or ZIP your entire project into a compressed folder and upload the ZIP file

You will lose one point if you don't name your files correctly. It costs your teacher/TAs extra time to fix this.

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