
JavaFX uses a separate thread to run animations (ex: rotateTransition) so the rest of your program doesn't freeze while the animation plays. You can tap into the built-in animation timer and execute a short piece of code during each animation frame. Here's how:

  1. Create your own AnimationTimer class that extends AnimationTimer.
    (You can do this as a private inner class or in a separate class.)
  2. Override and implement the handle() method to do whatever you want. (See AnimationTimer API)
    • The parameter of handle() is the current time given in nanoseconds. There are 10e9 nanoseconds in 1 second. You'll need this to convert your delay slider value (measured in seconds) into nanoseconds
  3. To control the delay timing of your animation, add the following to your custom AnimationTimer class:
    • Create attributes for delay and previousTime, both of type long
    • If (currentTime - previousTime) >= delay then call nextGeneration() and set previousTime to currentTime.
  4. Create an instance of your extended AnimationTimer class
  5. Start the timer by calling start(). Stop it by calling stop().

Here are two video demos:

Dark Mode
