Lab 18.1 Merge


  1. As explained in the student lesson, write a method to merge two sorted lists into one sorted list.

  2. Download RunMergeTemplate.java and MergeTemplate.java. Complete the starter methods provided in MergeTemplate.java.


  1. The merge algorithm is prone to logic errors. The most common error is dealing with cases when you have reached the end of one list or the other. You are to test these 6 different input scenarios or trials:

Test Cases

List A: Quantity / Largest Value List B: Quantity / Largest Value
Trial 1 20 / 100 40 / 100
Trial 2 40 / 100 20 / 100
Trial 3 20 / 100 40 / 50
Trial 4 20 / 50 40 / 100
Trial 5 40 / 50 20 / 100
Trial 6 40 / 100 20 / 50


Rename MergeTemplate.java with your name and period and then turn it in below. You don't need to submit the driver file (RunMergeTemplate.java).

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