JavaFX Lab 3.1 Mini App


Modify your JavaFX Lab 2.1 GUI so the controls respond to user input.


  • Each control must do something
    • For advanced features of your app, it's ok to have a "pretend app" that simulates the behavior you want. For example:
    • Instead of a "Load" button populates a chart of stock prices from online data, the button loads hard-coded values you chose ahead of time.
    • Instead of slider that scales an image, it changes a Label to say "Your picture is now (#, #) pixels!"
  • You must bind at least one event to a property of a control
  • You can bind the rest of your events directly to the controls using setOn_____()
  • Name your class PX_LastName_FirstName_MiniApp.java
  • Submit your code below

Note: Do not use annonymous inner classes or Lamda expressions yet. Instead, write your own private inner classes for custom EventHandlers, ChangeListeners, etc.

Note 2: If you project uses local images or other resource files, please ZIP up your entire project folder and upload the zip file.

If you submit a zip file, name the zip file in the form PX_LastName_FirstName_MiniApp.zip

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Last modified: March 14, 2023

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